
Gift this app to your previous clients to protect them from unforeseen events. Once clients
download the app onto their phones, they’ll instinctually press the button which notifies you
and provides you the pertinent details.

Users who already have roadside assistance can load up their providers information into the
app to further expedite towing requests without having to nervously fumble as they look for
their service cards. In contrast, users who do not have roadside assistance programs will be
patched through to the closest tow truck company within our network (consisting of 347
national companies).

You’ll get the EXACT coordinates of the event which further facilitates your ability to request
(via FOIA) traffic camera footage.

Statistics show that accuracy and honesty are the highest on the scene; this is when people will admit their faults or wrongdoings. After the fact, people tend to “adjust” their stories in an attempt to claim innocence. Having real-time audio of the conversation between parties proves to be an indispensable tool you can use in court to protect your clients.

Real-time video footage of impact, damages, or the state of drivers will also give you the undisputed upper hand to offer your clients the best legal protection that’s based on actual evidence.

Your clients can automatically program whom they’d like to notify of any incidents. They can preload their spouses’, colleagues’, and family members’ information to instantly inform them of accident details. Additionally, assigned LifeLines are automatically able to download the app onto their own phones for reciprocity. These downloads are already loaded with YOUR
information. Not only are you tapping into your previous clients, but you’re also capturing an
average of three additional (passive) future referrals who’ll likely hire YOU to represent them

You’ll save time by having all the pertinent information transmitted to you on autopilot. Get
scans of tickets and citations in real-time. Get accurate weather reports transmitted to you as well. This app is designed to help you protect and represent your clients METICULOUSLY.
Users can also load their insurance information, driver’s license and license plate information
for further convenience.
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